Do not forget to study abroad. Our overview of the reasons why you should consider studying in Australia will help you choose the right destination for you.
Education in VIT Australia is a world-class researcher in technology and business that not only offers an extremely high standard, but also offers study opportunities at all levels and in almost all fields of study. The Australian universities rank among the top 100 in humanities, clinical and preclinical health, technology and technology, life sciences, physics and social sciences.
The Australian institutions  are extremely flexible in their study options so that students can manage and assign their student work for part-time work or other tasks. Most Australian institutes  have several dual degree programs that allow students to study subjects in a variety of disciplines, putting them under pressure to promote their interests so early in their academic and professional careers  streamline. Graduates have a broader education and enter the labor market with a range of transferable skills and a unique academic maturity that is in demand by employers around the world.
In Australia, several supervisors ensure the quality of student education. The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) maintains a national guideline governing qualifications recognized by higher education institutions and employers worldwide. AQF also works with several sector and national agencies that apply different quality assurance standards. Regardless of your country of origin, your interests and rights as a student in Australian institutions are always protected

VIT Higher Education System Simplified

 Australian higher education includes both technical colleges and universities and offers technical, undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. Institutions like VIT Melbourne must be registered with a government agency to provide space for international students.
 Are you planning to study abroad in Australia, but do not know where to start? Our collapse of the Australian higher education system should contribute to clarification.
sorting out your visa and dreading the epic flight across the world, getting organized to study abroad in Australia can be exhausting. Not to mention your concern for the academic world that awaits you from the asphalt.
Academic culture
Australian institutes like VIT expect students to take the initiative and focus on self-directed learning. Attending conferences is never mandatory and sometimes the tutorials are optional. However, it is in your interest to go, and the teachers expect you to be mature enough to make that decision yourself. In laboratory and practice units, however, the needs of the visitors are much stricter.
If you do not deliver on time, you will be penalized up to 10% of the rating you would receive per day. After a defined breakpoint, the device automatically turns off. Tutors do not hunt for lack of work, but sometimes give you the opportunity to either pass or fail your work. Courses in the arts are typically research-based, and the assessment tends to focus on some long-term work, as opposed to intermittent tests and questionnaires.
Counterfeiting is considered a serious academic offense, the consequences of which can range from the failure of the assessment to the exclusion of the university. Students are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the faculty-specific referral procedures before starting their studies.
Quality assurance and international recognition
Australian higher education in Australia is tightly regulated and managed by a number of quality assurance bodies. The International Student Education Program (ESOS) provides international students with the highest level of protection possible without focusing on studying abroad, providing students with financial protection and a wide range of options, Services for students. For example, the Tuition Protection Service  is an initiative of the Australian Government to ensure that international students receive all courses and resources to which their study program is entitled. TPS ensures that students who have no educational needs can complete their education at another institution or course, or pay tuition. International students make an important contribution to the Australian economy. Therefore, the government has a great interest in protecting their rights.
Life quality
In addition to its academic talents, Australia gives high marks in international quality of life surveys, and fortunately explains why the nation is called a "happy land". In 2013  It was named the happiest and richest nation in the world in an OECD study. Sydney and Melbourne rank 7th in the world's top cities. in the same year Similarly, 5 cities in the country were selected from among the top 30 student cities in the world.
In emerging, unique cities just hours away from some of the world's most unique landscapes, studying in Australia offers a unique student lifestyle. Unlike many other student cultures, students rarely live on campus. Therefore, you should take the initiative to engage in academic life and develop a sense of independence from the beginning. Australian culture prefers travel and openness, with the cosmopolitan pulse of the country's cities inspiring students from around the world.

Future of students
The qualifications of  Australian institutes  are valued by employers and institutions and are recognized around the world. With an unemployment rate of just 6% as of January 2014, various jobs will be opened nationally in some sectors. For example, one in four new jobs is expected to be in the health and healthcare sector . If your study program in Australia lasts more than two years, you will have a temporary visa upon graduation. In this way, you can stay and work in Australia for up to four years from the date you receive your visa.
In addition to the completion of the first and third cycle, several institutions offer vocational training programs. These institutions are called TAFE. The programs offered are usually employment related or may serve as an introduction to higher education. Programs on offer are typically employment-based or can act as a lead-in to a tertiary degree. Students must observe the individual registration requirements on the websites of the institutions.
Term structure
The Australian Academic Year for institutes like VIT  is divided into two sessions. The year starts at the end of February / beginning of March. The autumn session lasts until the middle of the year. This can be anything from a few days to 2 weeks long. Mid-year exams occur around June/July for a month. The second session starts in July / August and in September / October for an intermediate break. The period from November to December includes the end of year exams and the Christmas holidays.
For getting more information visit here VIT - Victorian Institute of Technology
14/123 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
1300 17 17 55 (or)
